Kilbride Gaa Latest News

Units moved to the right-hand side – more space and safer…thank you to Keith Masterson at Master Transport Low Loader Services

Units moved to the right-hand side – more space and safer…thank you to Keith Masterson at Master Transport Low Loader Services

Units moved to the right-hand side – more space and safer…thank you to Keith Masterson at Master Transport Low Loader Services

Thanks again to local man Keith Masterson of Master Transport Low Loader Services, who moved the Dressing Room unit and Coffee/Tea unit to the right-hand side of the car park where they will reside for the next few years.  Yet another example of the munificence of local businesses who have helped with the new community-based project.

Work is progressing on the walking track, should be finished by the end of June.

Finally, if there are any businesses who would like to offer any prizes or gifts for our Field Day raffle or anything of value that we can resell at the field day, please contact or call 0863113443 – again all proceeds are going towards the community playground and walking track.

Thank you for your continued support.