You must complete a Child Safeguarding 1 Course, if you have completed this course within the past three years then you just need to complete a refresher course every year. See all details below.
Again, you CANNOT coach any children until these two requirements are satisfied – Garda Vetting (lasts for three years) and an updated Child Safeguarding Level 1.
Sinead Eustace is the Club Child Protection Officer and she can contacted on if you have any questions:
Loging to your Foireann Account ( ) and go through the process, its a matter of uploading some documents and then following up making use it has been issued (you should receive an email with confirmation). The process is documented here:
Child Safeguarding – Level 1
You only complete this course if you have NEVER done this course before. If you have completed this course then you MUST complete the REFRESHER course every year.
There is an online Child Safeguarding Level 1 course fixed for the 26th of March run by ‘Wicklow Sports & Recreation Partnership’ which is probably the easiest way to complete this course, it costs €20, do the course and contact Sinead or Diarmuid for a refund, the Club will cover the cost.
See link: Online Safeguarding 1 Workshop Tickets, Tue 26 Mar 2024 at 18:30 | Eventbrite
*Please note that if your coach takes this option that before they begin coaching they must then register and complete The GAA Child Safeguarding 1 online Refresher Course which is available on TOBAR Child Safeguarding Home | Tobar (
The other option is:
- You can also go onto TOBAR Welcome to TOBAR | Tobar ( and look through the list of current courses that are being run in other Clubs/Counties and contacting the organisers to see if they will accommodate your coaches with any free spaces they may have.
See: – click the bottom and you can see page two and three, etc.
The Yearly Safeguarding Course – this must be completed by everyone.
‘This eLearning course is for those who have previously attended a Safeguarding 1 face to face session in the previous 3 years and wish to refresh their certification online’
See this link and login to your TOBAR account (TOBAR & Foireann will track all your completed courses going forward):